Media Highlights

How Hollywood gets wildfires all wrong — much to the frustration of firefighters
December 27, 2022

NPR featured a study by USC Annenberg’s Norman Lear Center Media Impact Project on the amount of movie and TV scripts in 2020 that made any references to climate change.

Los Angeles Times
Newsom slams Republicans for blocking immigration reform on visit to Mexican border
December 12, 2022

The Los Angeles Times quoted Adjunct Instructor Dan Schnur in a story about Gov. Newsom's criticism that border enforcement policies have cost the state $1 billion in services.

Democratic leaders lukewarm on Governor’s plan to cap oil profits
December 6, 2022

KNX-AM spoke with Adjunct Instructor Dan Schnur on Gov. Gavin Newsom’s plan to cap oil industry profits. 

The Guardian
What will happen next for Black Twitter?
November 30, 2022

The Guardian spoke to Associate Professor of Journalism and Communication Allissa Richardson about how African American, Latinx, and queer communities created the internet’s language.

The Wall Street Journal
Elon Musk champions Twitter fact-checking feature that corrects him
November 26, 2022

Wall Street Journal spoke with Clinical Professor Karen North about Twitter’s fact-checking feature, Community Notes. 

Los Angeles Times
CALIFORNIA Gonez is reelected; Rivas wins open seat on L.A. school board
November 23, 2022

The Los Angeles Times spoke with Adjunct Instructor Dan Schnur on Kelly Gonez's victory over Marvin Rodriguez in the LAUSD race. 

Yahoo News
What could a world without Twitter look like?
November 19, 2022

Yahoo News spoke with Clinical Professor Karen North on what a world without Twitter under Elon Musk. 

No Red Or Blue Wave Despite Social Media Predictions
November 19, 2022

Forbes spoke with Julianna Kirschner, part-time lecturer of communication, about how social media has contributed to the polarization of political discourse.

Los Angeles Times
Roy Choi knows what it means to really care for the people of L.A. through food
November 16, 2022

The Los Angeles Times featured an article by Professor and Chair in Cross-Cultural Communication Josh Kun in a conversation with Chef Roy Choi.

Christian Science Monitor
Mexico’s people power
November 15, 2022

The Christian Science Monitor spoke with Associate Professor Pamela Starr on reforms to the Mexican government made by president Manuel López Obrador.
