While studying abroad in London this past semester, USC Annenberg student Kayla Anfang began the tedious process of applying for summer internships.
Anfang had previously worked at a daily entertainment show for NBCUniversal and served as the Vice President of Communications for USC’s Panhellenic Council, so she knew she wanted to work on the marketing side of an entertainment company.

She is now interning in the marketing department at Live Nation Entertainment and she credits USC Annenberg with helping open the right doors.
“Throughout the process, I kept Suzanne Alcantara, in [USC] Annenberg’s Career Development Office, updated on how my internship search was progressing,” Anfang recalled. “When I informed [Alcantara] about my application to Live Nation, she kindly put me in touch with a USC alumna who currently works in the LA marketing department.”
Alcantara noted that Live Nation typically hires two to three USC Annenberg students every semester.
Anfang was soon contacted by the head of Human Resources, interviewed and offered the internship.
“I really enjoy the creative atmosphere that comes along with [the entertainment] industry and wanted to combine my interests in marketing with my passion for entertainment and media,” she said. “With that, Live Nation seemed like an ideal place to intern given their position as a global leader in live entertainment.”
Anfang is responsible for producing social media content, as well as “collecting and summarizing research on specified audiences in order to better target the promotion of [Live Nation’s] upcoming shows,” she said.
So far, Anfang said the internship has been “very hands on” and has exposed her to different aspects of promoting and coordinating live shows.
“I have learned a great deal about conducting research and analysis, as well as how to present my results in a compelling fashion,” Anfang said. “I am also learning about the financial aspects of media management and how that relates to the overall business.”
She added that she hopes “to further develop [her] marketing skills and knowledge of this sector of the entertainment industry.”
Top photo by marfis75 on Flickr.