In the spring of 2017, I was a Public Relations Intern for Whole Foods Market’s regional office in Glendale. I met my former boss through a connection at my previous summer internship at Burson-Marsteller. I spoke to my WFM boss for an informational interview in the fall of 2016, and she let me know that she was looking for an intern. This worked out perfectly since all seniors must secure an internship along with PR 450 in the spring. I had interned for a couple PR agencies and explored the nonprofit sector, but I always wanted to experience an in-house PR position. At WFM, I was able to fine-tune my fundamental PR skills of monitoring the media, writing press materials such as press releases, fact sheets and media alerts, composing media lists and compiling status reports.

The WFM Glendale office covers the Southern Pacific Region, which includes about 100 stores in Southern California, Arizona, Southern Nevada and Hawaii, and I had the opportunity to help my boss and the marketing team at large with a range of tasks. I was exposed to the metro marketing team leaders’ grassroots efforts and helped implement the media strategies of the We Believe in Real Food Campaign. Because I fully support the WFM mission that food and healthy eating can change one’s life, and the company has such amazing corporate social responsibility efforts, I found myself to be even more committed to my work. I loved devoting myself to one cause and feeling a part of the overall company through team meetings, lunches and bonding events. I made an effort to get to know the other people on the marketing team and met one-on-one with the Marketing Director to express my gratitude for the chance to intern at the company and tell her how much I had learned.
One of the biggest takeaways from my internship would be the importance of stepping outside of my comfort zone to make a difference at the company where I am working. It is important to take advantage of every learning opportunity and meet as many people as possible. Overall, the WFM team is truly incredible – tight-knit, passionate and hard working – and I learned a great deal at my internship.
- Yvonne Tarrab, Public Relations