Media Highlights

Los Angeles Times
Media images of Black death come at a cost, experts say. And many viewers are fed up
April 19, 2021

The Los Angeles Times featured Taj Frazier on how the entertainment industry exploits Black trauma for profit. "There is a need and necessity to tell difficult stories, to interrogate the sickness of this infrastructure of white supremacy. But people are also asking, 'At what cost?'" he said.

It’s time for a moratorium on police shooting videos
April 19, 2021

In an essay for Vox, Allissa Richardson argues that sharing images of police violence serves only to traumatize Black communities. "Removing the financial incentive for news media to air these ghastly videos may force journalists to engage in more reparative storytelling," she wrote.

San Francisco Chronicle
In 'seismic shift,' a lot of Californians want to work from home after pandemic ends
April 19, 2021

The San Francisco Chronicle featured research by Hernán Galperin on the pandemic-fueled rise in telehealth and telecommuting. "We're seeing a seismic shift in the way people want to work, learn and manage health visits among those who have broadband access," he said.

Los Angeles Times
Walter Mondale, former vice president and presidential nominee, dies at 93
April 19, 2021

The Los Angeles Times quoted Martin Kaplan on how the late Walter Mondale redefined the modern vice presidency. “Mondale insisted on these changes as conditions for him to go on the ticket, and [Jimmy] Carter kept his word,’’ said Kaplan, Mondale's former speechwriter.

KPCC-FM’s 'Take Two'
State of Affairs: 'Packing' the court, how Little Tokyo is surviving the pandemic, meme creators are loving NFTs
April 16, 2021

KPCC-FM's Take Two interviewed Christina Bellantoni on Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi opposing efforts by some Democrats to add more justices to the Supreme Court. "Pelosi's margin of power is extremely slim," she said. "This is not the issue she wants to be fighting about right now."

Associated Press
Chicago video tests newsroom handling of graphic footage
April 16, 2021

The Associated Press quoted Allissa Richardson on how newsrooms are handling showing graphic footage of police brutality. “It’s finally starting to sink in that we can tell these stories without the final moment of impact,” she said.

KCRW-FM's 'Press Play'
Why didn’t Derek Chauvin testify in his trial, and will the jury hold it against him?
April 16, 2021

KCRW-FM's Press Play featured Allissa Richardson on the ramifications of watching videos of police brutality against Black people. "I think a lot of us were very concerned with the effects that these kinds of videos would have on our children," she said.

The New York Times Magazine
Did the music industry change? A race ‘report card’ is on the way.
April 15, 2021

The New York Times noted that the Annenberg Inclusion Initiative has been commissioned to examine diversity within the music industry.

Sacramento Bee
Which state is doing more for undocumented residents in COVID era? California or New York? Read more here:
April 14, 2021

The Sacramento Bee quoted Roberto Suro on how California has treated its undocumented residents in the COVID era. “The pandemic brought this recognition of immigrant workers, including the unauthorized, as an important segment of the economy and workforce,” he said.

The Covid-19 vaccine script that TV shows are using to fight fear and misinformation
April 8, 2021

CNBC spoke with Kate Folb of the Hollywood, Health & Society program about how TV shows are folding coronavirus vaccines into scripts.

Latinos’ Absence in Hollywood Has Felt Deliberate. Is 2021 the Year It Changes?
April 8, 2021

Variety cited research from the Annenberg Inclusion Initiative on the percentage of speaking characters in major films who are Latino.

USA Today
Have social platforms reached their peak? Pew Research survey shows little user growth since last year.
April 7, 2021

USA Today featured Karen North on how many social networks are struggling to grow, with the exception of Reddit. "[Reddit] has evolved into a really powerful set of communities where important conversations are happening, despite some questionable groups also thriving in it," she said.
