Center for Public Relations Staff

Staff and Faculty Advisers

Our director, faculty advisers, and professional staff operate the Center for Public Relations, lead research, manage events and student activities, and lead development.

Ron Antonette

Chief Program Officer, Center for Public Relations

Fred Cook

Director, Center for Public Relations

Janine Hurty

Director of Development, USC Annenberg

Burghardt Tenderich

Co-director, Public Relations Studies Program; Associate Director, Center for Public Relations

Tina Vennegaard

Senior Advisor, Center for Public Relations

Research Fellows

Qualitative and quantitative research projects are led by USC Annenberg academics, including CPR’s dedicated research fellows, USC Annenberg PhD students and post-docs. Analysis and reports are authored by our fellows, faculty advisers and staff, and student contributors. 

Senior Research Fellow, Center for Public Relations

David Michaelson

PhD, Research Fellow, Center for Public Relations

Student Associates

The Center for Public Relations’ student research team is comprised of Dean’s graduate scholarship recipients and student volunteers from the USC Annenberg graduate and undergraduate public relations and advertising programs. Student fellowship or work-study positions may be offered during select semesters. Contact CPR for more information. 

Karel Tinkler

Graduate Research Associate

Kate Hoag

Graduate Research Associate

Michael Kittilson

Graduate Research Associate

Paola Nieto

Graduate Research Associate

Sophie Schaked

Research Associate

Alumni Associates

Our alumni associates previously worked in student roles in the Center for PR and continue to lend support on projects and meet with current students to advise on career pathing after graduation.

Manuelita Maldonado

Communications Manager, Microsoft

Grayson Wolff

Graduate Associate

Professional Fellows

This group of alumni and other industry practitioners contribute their professional expertise, share their networks with CPR for research opportunities, and provide leadership to student teams on projects. To learn more about these fellowships, click here.

Julia Kiefaber

MA ’14, Weber Shandwick

Regina Wu

BA ’15, LinkedIn

Shannon O’Neill
