The Los Angeles Times quoted Josh Kun on the appeal of L.A.'s two reggaeton stations.
The South China Morning Post quoted Nicholas Cull about the negative effect Donald Trump has had on the international reputation of the United States.
Deadline interviewed Stacy Smith about the results of the latest report from the Annenberg Inclusion Initiative on the number of female directors of top films.
The New York Times featured Stacy Smith of the Annenberg Inclusion Initiative on the number of top-grossing films directed by women reaching record levels in 2019. The study was also highlighted in Fortune, The Hill and The Hollywood Reporter.
The New York Times featured Stacy Smith of the Annenberg Inclusion Initiative on the number of top-grossing films directed by women reaching record levels in 2019. Additional coverage was found on Good Morning America and CBS News Los Angeles affiliate KCAL-TV, and in the Los Angeles Times, the Los Angeles Daily News and The Hollywood Reporter.
PBS NewsHour featured Diane Winston on why religions no longer feel relevant to many young people.
Variety featured Stacy Smith of the Annenberg Inclusion Initiative on the number of top-grossing films directed by women reaching record levels in 2019. Smith was also featured in The Associated Press and The Huffington Post.
Forbes featured research from the Norman Lear Center on how immigrants and immigrant issues are portrayed on television.
The Los Angeles Times quoted Mary Murphy on how tabloid reporters acquire tips for their stories.
Fortune cited Marlon Twyman II in an article on the need for humans to help stop algorithms from amplifying bias.
The New York Times highlighted research from Morten Bay on how bots spread political messaging via conversations about Star Wars.
Teen Vogue quoted Allissa Richardson about activism and online culture.