Scheer critiques U.S. financial leaders

Communication professor Robert Scheer

Communication professor Robert Scheer wrote a column on Truthdig titled "The men we trusted to lead us" about his concerns and disappointments with the financial leaders in the United States. Scheer wrote about what he called President Barack Obama's poor choices in electing his financial advisors and leaders. "By turning to those disciples of Clinton-era Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, a prime enabler of Wall Street greed, the new president fatally betrayed his promise of hope," Scheer wrote. Instead of punishing those that led the nation into our current financial crisis, Scheer wrote about how they are being monetarily rewarded. "[Phil] Gramm and Rubin were partners in what should be considered the crime of the century, speaking in moral and not legal terms since, as regards the financial world, the bad guys get to write the laws," he wrote. Read full column here.