Winston published in Religion Dispatches

Professor and Knight Chair in Media and Religion Diane Winston

Journalism professor and holder of the Knight Chair in Media and Religion Diane Winston wrote an op-ed piece, "Tea party, Circa 1930s: A response to Michael Kazin," for Religion Dispatches magazine. Her piece is in response to Kazin's recent New York Times piece, "What happened to the American Left?." "Kazin’s analysis, again following the Times’ lead, glosses over religion, " wrote Winston. "But millions of citizens beyond DC’s borders tend to think of politics as religious epiphenomena." Winston's piece traces the significant role of religion in American politics as far back as the 1930s. The majority of stories regarding religious influence in the political realm have been historically omitted from the media, wrote Winston. "Reporting on evolutionary social change is tougher than writing up this week’s conflict, and journalists have a hard time seeing how religion figures into almost every niche of American cultural ecology." Read Kazin's ""What happened to the American Left?" Read Winston's response: "Tea party, Circa 1930s: A response to Michael Kazin"