Muller writes "Where newspapers thrive"

Journalism professor Judy Muller wrote an op-ed article for the LA Times that highlights the role of small-town newspapers. Her piece, "Where newspapers thrive," highlights the points made in her recently published book Emus Loose in Egnar. Muller's writing emphasizes that despite the struggles facing large newspapers, "hyperlocal" weeklies are thriving. "At a time when mainstream news media are hemorrhaging and doomsayers are predicting the death of journalism (at least as we've known it), take heart," Muller wrote. "The free press is alive and well in small towns across America, thanks to the editors of thousands of weeklies who, for very little money and a fair amount of aggravation, keep on telling it like it is." There is a need for local news that is met solely through these weeklies, Muller wrote, which is why 94 percent of readers of local papers continue to pay for content. Read "Where newspapers thrive" Buy Emus Loose in Egnar