Media Highlights

Los Angeles Times
To delete or not delete your Facebook account – that is the question
December 20, 2018

The Los Angeles Times quoted Karen North about Facebook users deleting their accounts in response to the social media giant sharing user data with third parties.

Why the mainstream music industry is still struggling to address #MeToo
December 19, 2018

Pitchfork mentioned research by Stacy Smith in a story about the music industry's struggle to address issues raised by the #MeToo movement.

Health Affairs
Medicaid providers operating under the radar
December 18, 2018

Health Affairs featured an article co-written by Michelle Levander of the Center for Health Journalism about transparency among Medicaid providers.

Darren Criss won't play gay characters any longer for a truly great reason
December 18, 2018

Bustle mentioned a USC Annenberg study showing the lack of Asian-American roles in film.

Los Angeles Times
California's midterm results show that if a third party can be viable anywhere, it's here
December 17, 2018

The Los Angeles Times published an op-ed by Dan Schnur on how a third party could emerge in California.

The Columbian
Study: Films starring women fare better
December 16, 2018

The Columbian, via the Washington Post, mentioned research by the Annenberg Inclusion Initiative on the underrepresentation of women and minorities in film.

Los Angeles Times
In Michigan, Wisconsin and elsewhere, losers seek to undermine election results
December 14, 2018

The Los Angeles Times quoted Dan Schnur on midterm election losers acting to limit the powers of incoming election winners.

Washington Post
Films starring women, not men, do better at the box office, study finds
December 12, 2018

The Washington Post mentioned USC Annenberg in a story on films starring women doing better at the box office.

Perhaps Congress took 'The Wizard of Oz' a bit too seriously
December 11, 2018

MarketPlace interviewed Safiya Noble on Congress' questioning of Google's CEO.


Economic Times
Arabs' new spring of successful women directors
December 8, 2018

India's Economic Times mentioned research by the Annenberg Inclusion Initiative on the underrepresentation of women in the film industry.
