Media Highlights

ABC News
8 nonfiction authors receive $40,000 Whiting grants
October 3, 2019

ABC News reported (via the Associated Press) that Channing Joseph had been awarded a grant from the Whiting Foundation to work on his upcoming book The House of Swann.

Televisa (Mexico)
Willow Bay and James Steyer discuss new study of teens' and parents' mobile device use in Mexico
October 2, 2019

Televisa (Mexico) interviewed USC Annenberg Dean Willow Bay and Common Sense CEO James Steyer about their new study, The New Normal: Parents, Teens, and Mobile Devices in Mexico. (Interview starts at 16:17.)

Forbes Mexico
USC and Common Sense study mobile device use by parents and teens in Mexico
October 1, 2019

Forbes Mexico covered the release of The New Normal: Parents, Teens, and Mobile Devices in Mexico, the latest entry in a global mapping project led by USC Annenberg Dean Willow Bay and Common Sense CEO James Steyer.

Los Angeles Times
Who is remembered and forgotten? ‘The Autograph Book’ explores L.A.'s collective memory
September 28, 2019

The Los Angeles Times featured a new book by Josh Kun on the evolution of the autograph and how it helped shape Los Angeles.

Annenberg Media
USC Annenberg hosts student Q&A with authors of 'The Education of Brett Kavanaugh'
September 27, 2019

Annenberg Media covered a conversation, moderated by Gordon Stables, with the authors of a book on the Supreme Court justice.

NewsConference: How to win the presidential election
September 22, 2019

NBC News Los Angeles affiliate KNBC-TV featured Dan Schnur in a discussion of how candidates can win the 2020 presidential election.

Associated Press
Latino filmmaker Gregory Nava to join U of I symposium
September 21, 2019

The Associated Press noted that Stacy Smith of the Annenberg Inclusion Initiative will be the keynote speaker at the Chaz and Roger Ebert Symposium.  

KCRW-FM's 'Scheer Intelligence'
America keeps getting China all wrong
September 20, 2019

KCRW-FM's Scheer Intelligence, hosted by Robert Scheer, featured an interview with Clayton Dube of the USC U.S.-China Institute on how Americans perceive China.

Washington Post
Corey Lewandowski tells the truth (gasp!) about lying to the news media
September 18, 2019

The Washington Post quoted Gabriel Kahn on why reporters should not interview admitted liars.
