Kaplan's thoughts on Occupy Wall Street

Professor Marty Kaplan, director of the Norman Lear Center, wrote  an Oct. 3 Huffington Post article titled "Occupy K Street" that says campaign finance reform is needed to quell uprisings such as Occupy Wall Street. "Occupy Wall Street sort of has a message. It's unfair that our generation has to pay for the mess Wall Street made," Kaplan wrote. Kaplan credited the absurdly large $6 billion dollar campaign budgets as a large contributor to this "mess." Kaplan wrote that 75 percent of these budgets goes directly to media exposure, while "other democracies guarantee free airtime to candidates and put limits on ads and contributions. " "Madison and Hamilton and the rest of the Constitution's framers created a genius of a system that has withstood the ages. But they could not have foreseen that there would one day be a de facto fourth branch of government, powered by big money in politics, and so they did not check that power with other power," Kaplan wrote. Read "Occupy K Street"