Instructor profile: Jeremy Rawitch

jeremy_rawitchIt may only be Jeremy Rawitch’s first year of teaching, but his past experiences ensure that he knows his material. Rawitch currently teaches Introduction to Advertising at USC Annenberg. Surprisingly, advertising was not what the professor started off with. Rawitch graduated from Loyola Law School and was a lawyer for several years. Although he enjoyed practicing law, Rawitch says it did not provide “the intellectual challenge and creative outlet I was looking for.” Rawitch made the switch to communication and accepted a job at an advertising agency working with Southern California Edison. Soon after, he became the advertising manager at Edison. Now, as an adjunct instructor, Rawitch divides his time between teaching the fundamentals of advertising and coordinating projects at Edison. He recently organized an event regarding energy policy that included a speech by President Obama. The project involved top-notch security and communication with the Secret Service and the White House advance team. Rawitch has completed various other impressive projects and typically spends his time “giving communications counsel to other people at the company.” In the Monday evening advertising course, Rawitch holds discussions regarding the newest advertisements and the latest trends. He draws attention to the importance of advancing with technology, stating that “the advent of new tools and channels gives us more options to choose from, better ways to target audiences and a greater ability to measure success.” Rawitch encourages his students not only to pursue their interests inside the classroom, but outside it as well. The multi-talented professor believes “advertising spans all products and services, and having a broad understanding of people and the world we live in is essential.”