Joe Saltzman identifies seven images of PR professionals in TV and film

Journalism professor Joe Saltzman found public relations practitioners are portrayed seven ways in his study of more than 300 movies and television series from 1901 to 2011. "The analysis revealed that the images of the public relations practitioner are far more varied and more positive than previously thought," said Saltzman, who is also director of the Image of the Journalist in Popular Culture (IJPC). "When they are good, they are very, very good, and when they are bad, they are horrid." The seven images of PR professionals are: -Press agents whose outrageous publicity stunts always made headlines. -Publicists who do anything to promote and protect their clients. -PR practitioners as moral heros who try to evaluate their profession's standards (though they usually fail) and will quit before being unethical. -The most varied depictions are of press secretaries, political aides and military and police information officers; they can be the most vile or most appealing. -PR professionals as unforgiving villains who will stop at nothing to protect their client's image. -Women who use their sexuality to get ahead in the PR world. -A constant throughout film and television: the alcoholic PR man. Saltzman presented the study's findings at the International History of Public Relations Conference at Bournemouth University in Great Britain and the entire study was also published in a special edition of The IJPC Journal (vol. 3, fall 2011-spring 2012). Read more about the landmark study below. Image of the Public Relations Practitioner