
Peter Monge is professor emeritus of communication at USC Annenberg and professor emeritus of management and organization at USC’s Marshall School of Business. He and Manuel Castells co-founded the Annenberg Networks Network (2005), a research center focused on communication network theory and research, where he served as co-director until 2021. He also served as director of the Communication (PhD) program for ten years. He has published five books, the most recent of which is Theories of Communication Networks (with Noshir Contractor). He has published more than 100 theoretical and research articles and book chapters on organizational communication networks, evolutionary and ecological theory, collaborative information systems, globalization, and research methods. From 1986 to 1993 he served as editor of Communication Research.
The ICA Fellows Book Award. International Communication Association
Elected Fellow, International Communication Association (2002–2021).
Mentoring Award, USC Provost (2015).
Distinguished Scholar, National Communication Association (2012).
Steven H. Chaffee Lifetime Achievement Award, International Communication Association (2012).
Theories of Communication Networks, co-author (Oxford University Press, 2003).
Journal Articles
“Disrupting the COVID-19 Misinfodemic With Network Interventions: Network Solutions for Network Problems,” co-author (American Journal of Public Health, 2021).
“Ecological Influences on Network Tie Dissolution in the Evolution of Affiliation Networks in the International Communication Association, 2009–2015,” co-author (Human Communication Research, 2020).
“The Paradox of Interaction: Communication Network Centralization, Shared Task Experience, and the Wisdom of Crowds in Online Crowdsourcing Communities,” co-author (Communication Research, 2020).
“How Does NGO Partnering Change Over Time? A Longitudinal Examination of Factors That Influence NGO Partner Selection,” co-author (Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 2019).
“The Value of Questions in Organizing: Reconceptualizing Contributions to Online Public Information Goods,” co-author (Communication Theory, 2017).
“Evolution of what? A network approach for the detection of evolutionary forces,” co-author (Social Networks, 2016).
“Industries in Turmoil: Driving Transformation During Periods of Disruption,” co-author (Communication Research, 2014).