
Michael J. Cody, PhD, is a professor at USC Annenberg, where he has taught classes and conducted research on social influence processes since 1982. He has co-authored two books, Persuasive Communication and Interpersonal Communication; and he has co-edited five: The Psychology of Tactical Communication, Explaining the Self to Others, Gender, Power, and Communication in Human Relationships, Entertainment-Education and Social Change and Serious Games. He served as the editor-in-chief of Communication Theory and the Journal of Communication. His grants focused on the tobacco control, energy conservation, and understanding autism.
Book Chapters
Consulting that Matters: A Reader for Scholars and Practitioners, chapter 20: “Consulting in the Educational Context: Serving as an External Program Reviewer”, author (Peter Lang, 2015).
Journal Papers
A Meta-Analysis of Humor Effects in Persuasion, co-author (Human Communication Research, 2018).
The Ebb and Flow of Communication Research: Seven Decades of Publication Trends and Research Priorities, co-author (Journal of Communication, 2018).
Entertainment-education, author (Wiley-Blackwell, 2017).
Narrative persuasion, author (Oxford University Press, 2016).
Music, Influence, and Media
Create more powerful media by understanding music’s role in it.
Creating a Positive Public Persona
Attract fans by using expertise, commonality, humor and more
Cross Cultural Non Verbal Behavior
Touring or doing business cross-borders? Communicate wisely by watching this video.