
Janet Fulk is professor of communication, emerita, at USC Annenberg, and professor of management and organization, emerita, in the USC Marshall School of Business, where she also is a faculty affiliate of the Center for Effective Organizations and of the Annenberg Networks Network research group.
Her research covers topics including knowledge networks, information technology for strategic alliance networks, social aspects of knowledge and distributed intelligence, social media use, networking strategies of nongovernmental organizations, multilevel expertise, and crowdsourcing. Her research has been supported by grants from the National Science Foundation, private industry, and nonprofit organizations. She is an elected fellow of both the Academy of Management and the International Communication Association.
Awards and honors
Frederick Williams Prize (2016)
Fredric M. Jablin Award (2015)
Lifetime Achievement Award for Outstanding Contributions to Organizational Communication (2012)
Distinguished Service Award, Academy of Management (2007)
Distinguished Scholar in Organizational Communication and Information Systems (2002)
Journal Articles
“Disrupting the COVID-19 Misinfodemic With Network Interventions: Network Solutions for Network Problems,” co-author (2021, American Journal of Public Health)
“Ecological influences on network tie dissolution in the evolution of affiliation networks in the International Communication Association,” co-author (2021, Human Communication Research)
“The paradox of interaction: Communication network centralization, shared task experience, and the wisdom of crowds in online crowdsourcing communities,” co-author (2021, Communication Research)
“The value of questions in organizing: Reconceptualizing contributions to online public information goods,” co-author (2017, Communication Theory)
“The emergence and evolution of social networking sites as an organizational form,” co-author (2016, Management Communication Quarterly)
“Social construction of communication technology.” (1993, Academy of Management Journal)
“Organizations and communication technology,” co-editor (1990, Sage)