The age of the whistleblower

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

12:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m.

USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism (ASC), 207

Champions of an honest society? Enemies of the American people? Called heroes, traitors, and everything in between, whistleblowers have long occupied American affairs. From health to business to torture, the conscience of individuals has shaped conversations about ethics and responsible citizenship the world over. Please join the USC Annenberg Center on Communication Leadership & Policy in welcoming Tom Mueller, author of Crisis of Conscience, for a timely panel discussion and Q&A session on the rise and importance of whistleblowing in American companies and political institutions.

Participants will include:

  • Geoffrey Cowan moderator and USC Annenberg Professor 
  • Tom Mueller author of Crisis of Conscience
  • Jack Poulson Google whistleblower and founder of Tech Inquiry
  • Mary Inman veteran whistleblower attorney and partner at Constantine Cannon, LLP