Spring/Summer 2017 PhD Student Publications, Presentations, & Awards

Marcia Allison (ABD) has been accepted as an Emerging Scholar to the 2017 Milton Wolf Seminar: The Marshall Plan and the Yearning for Transformative Visions.

Sophia Jeeyun Baik (First Year) had her paper, “LGBT Representation of Webtoons: Parasocial Contact Hypothesis, Familiarity and Interaction,” accepted for presentation at the NCA 103rd Annual Convention in Dallas in November.

Lik Sam Chan (ABD)

Lik Sam Chan (ABD), Yao Sun (Fourth Year), Yusi Xu (Third Year), and Professor Margaret McLaughlin were awarded the top interactive paper award in the Health Communication Division at the ICA conference in San Diego for their submission entitled “Acculturation to both American and Chinese Cultures Predicts Condom Use Intent Among US-Dwelling Chinese/Taiwanese MSM.”

Samantha Close (PhD 2017) accepted the tenure-track faculty position of Assistant Professor of Digital Communication and Media Arts at DePaul University, starting in fall 2017.

Ignacio Cruz (Second Year)

Stefi Demetriades (Third Year) and Grace Yuehan Wang (Second Year) were both accepted to the 2017 Annenberg-Oxford Media Policy Summer Institute.

Michelle Forelle (ABD) was awarded Top Student Paper by the ICA Communication and Technology division for her paper, “Technological Exceptions to the Legal Rule: Property Rights in the Fight Over Ownership of Vehicle Software.”

Traci Gillig (ABD)

  • Review of Stephen T. Russell and Stacey S. Horn (Eds.), Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Schooling, International Journal of Communication
  • Received the Richard Cone Graduate Engaged Research Award from USC Dornsife’s Joint Educational Project (JEP)

  • “More Than a Media Moment: The Influence of Televised Storylines on Viewers’ Attitudes Toward Transgender People and Policies,” with Erica L. Rosenthal, Professor Sheila Murphy, & Kate Langrall Folb, Sex Roles (in press)

Kristen Guth (PhD 2017) 

  • “Finding the Diamond in the Rough: Exploring Communication and Platform in Crowdsourcing Performance,” with Professor Daren Brabham, Communication Monographs (accepted for publication)

  • “The Deliberative Politics of the Consultative Layer: Participation Hopes and Communication as Design Values of Civic Tech Founders,” with Professor Daren Brabham, Journal of Communication (accepted for publication)

  • Accepted a Postdoctoral Teaching Scholar position (Organizational Communication) in the Department of Communication and Risk & Disaster Communication Center, College of Information and Communication at the University of Kentucky.

Renyi Hong (PhD 2017) was awarded Top Student Paper in the Philosophy, Theory and Critique division of ICA for his paper, “Gamification and compassionate imagination.”

Hyun Tae (Calvin) Kim (Second Year) had his paper, “Perceptions of Change, Ethnicity, and Immigration Attitudes in Brexit,” accepted for presentation in the “New Research on the Brexit Vote” panel at the 2017 American Political Science Association (APSA) annual conference.

Lauren Levitt (Second Year)

Nathalie Maréchal (ABD)

Nathalie Maréchal (ABD), Kate Miltner (Third Year), Yao Sun (ABD), and Yusi Xu (Third Year) were all accepted to the Oxford Internet Institute’s Summer Doctoral Programme.

Kate Miltner (Third Year) 

Clare O’Connor (Second Year) presented her paper, “Justin Bieber’s Revelation: The Cultural Politics of Christian Authenticity” at Pop Conference 2017: Sign O’ The Times: Music and Politics at the Museum of Pop Culture in Seattle in April.

Ruqin Ren (Third Year) and Bei Yan (ABD) had their paper, “Crowd Diversity and Performance in Wikipedia: The Mediating Effects of Task Conflict and Communication,” accepted for the 2017 ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, to be held in Denver in May. 

Emily Sidnam-Mauch (Second Year) had her paper, “Mobile Social Networking Site Usage, Load Theory, and Distracted Walking Consequences,” selected as one of the top-ranked papers for the Mobile Communication Division at the ICA conference in San Diego.

Nathan Walter (Third Year)

  • “Each Medium Tells a Different Story: The Effect of Message Channel on Narrative Persuasion,” with Professor Sheila Murphy, Lauren Frank, & Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati (USC Keck), Communication Research Reports (accepted for publication)

  • “The Strength of Bridging Social Capital: The Case Study of Normative Behavior, Latinas, and Cervical Cancer,” with Professor Sheila Murphy, Lauren Frank, and Professor Sandra Ball-Rokeach, Communication Research Reports (accepted for publication). 

  • To Walk a Mile in Someone Else’s Shoes: How Narratives can Change Causal Attribution through Story Exploration and Character Customization,” with Professor Sheila Murphy & Traci Gillig (Third Year), Human Communication Research (accepted for publication). 

  • On the Boundaries of Framing Terrorism: Guilt, Victimization, and the 2016 Orlando Shooting,” with TJ Billard (Second Year) & Professor Sheila Murphy, Mass Communication & Society 

  • Top Paper, ICA Ethnicity and Race Division, “Who Cares What Others Think? The Role of Latinas’ Acculturation in the Processing of HPV Vaccination Narrative Messages,” with Professor Sheila Murphy, Lauren Frank, & Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati (USC Keck).

  • Second place at the GSG Graduate Research Symposium, “How to Unring the Bell: A Meta-Analytics Approach to Debiasing of Misinformation."

Grace Yuehan Wang (Second Year), Review of Jonathan Donner, After Access: Inclusion, Development, and a More Mobile Internet, International Journal of Communication

Grace Yuehan Wang (Co-PI; Second Year), Jingyi Sun (First Year), Yiqi Li (First Year), and Kristen Guth (PhD 2017), with PI Professor Patricia Riley, have obtained a grant for a collaborative project with colleagues from Shanghai Jiao Tong University on Chinese and U.S. entertainment start-ups.

Leah Liyuan Wang (First Year), “Verbal Stigmatization from Family: How Does that Affect Latino Men Who Have Sex With Men?” Journal of Social and Personal Relationships (accepted for publication)

Andrea Wenzel (PhD 2017)

Sarah Myers West (ABD)

Yu Xu (Third Year)

Larry Zhiming Xu (Third Year), Review of Chun Wei Choo, The Inquiring Organization: How Organizations Acquire Knowledge & Seek Information, International Journal of Communication

Chi Zhang (ABD)

Sulafa Zidani (First Year), Limor Shifman, & Lihi Yariv-Laor were awarded Top Paper by the ICA Popular Communication division for their paper “Represented Dreams: Subversive expressions in the Chinese blogosphere as alternative symbolic maps.”