Name: Katrina L. Pariera
Graduation Year: 2014
Current Position: Assistant Professor of Communication at The George Washington University
Research Area: Sexual Communication
Recent Publications:
Pariera, K.L. (in press) "Barriers and catalysts to parent-child sexual communication," Journal of Family Communication.
Pariera, K.L. (in press) "The communication of sexual norms," Contemporary Studies of Sexuality & Communication, ed. C.M. Noland & J. Manning. (Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt).
Pariera, K.L. (2014) "Perceived effects of instructional pornography on the self, partner, and others," Sexual and Relationship Therapy.
Ph.D. Dissertation: "The Influence of a Humorous Intervention on Parent-Child Sexual Communication" (Chair: Sheila Murphy)
Favorite thing about USC Annenberg: The wonderful friends I made, the brilliant faculty I got to work with, and the close proximity to Armando's Lunch Truck.