Natalie Kim
Natalie Kim is a doctoral student at USC Annenberg, where she is focusing on health communication and mental health research. Her current project involves reshaping the analysis, diagnosis, and treatment of psychological disorders through the implementation of immersive technologies such as Virtual Environments (VE), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR). Having several years of industry background in broadcasting and journalism, her research interests also include the impact of social stigma, which is often magnified by media exposure, and identifying the specific components of media communication that contribute to feelings of aversion towards individuals with mental disorders.
Prior to joining Annenberg, Kim received an MCG in Communication Management (CMGT) from USC Annenberg in 2023. She graduated with the highest honors (summa cum laude) from Kookmin University, where she earned a BA in broadcasting, journalism, and communication. Alongside her academic pursuits at USC Annenberg, she has held the position of a teaching assistant for a CMGT master’s course. In 2023, she also worked as a leadership initiative fellow at the Wallis Annenberg GenSpace, located in LA’s Koreatown. Additionally, she has served and continues to serve as an advisory panel member (ASAP) for the USC International Communication and Marketing team.