FAQ for Journalism


Wait lists 



Study Abroad



Other things you should know about . . . 


What is Departmental Clearance (D-clearance) and who needs it?      
The departmental clearance (D-clearance) is departmental permission for a student to register for a specific section of a course.The purpose is to ensure that all JOUR majors are able to take the required major classes they need to graduate on time, to ensure that the required prerequisites have been met, and to manage class enrollment within the School of Journalism. 

If there is a “D” after the five-digit class number (ex: 21022D), you must first obtain D-clearance before you can register. A D-clearance reserves a seat in the class for you. If you are given D-clearance, you must register by the assigned deadline given to you. Otherwise, your seat is no longer reserved and it will be available to other students on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Journalism Majors [Broadcast and Digital Journalism (BRDJ), Print and Digital Journalism (PRDJ), and Public Relations (PREL)]
D-clearance for journalism classes is obtained each semester when you come in for mandatory advisement. Each semester we will notify you via USC email regarding mandatory advisement for the upcoming semester. It is recommended that you schedule your advisement appointment early so that you have the most options available. If you would like D-clearance for a class after you have come in for mandatory advising, please call or email your academic adviser. Please note that D-clearances are given on a first-come, first-serve basis. 

Journalism Minors [Advertising (ADV) and News Media and Society (JRNS)]
Advisement is not mandatory for journalism minors. All JOUR minors will be notified via USC email, regarding minor advisement for the upcoming semester. Most classes for the JRNS minor do not require D-clearance. None of the ADV minor classes require D-clearance. However, if you do need D-clearance for a JOUR class, please schedule an advisement appointment during the advisement period (October – mid-November and late February – mid-April). If you do not come in during the advisement period or if you have any questions, email ascjadv@usc.edu – the Annenberg Advisement email account. Please note that JOUR majors have priority for JOUR classes that require D-clearance. Also, an open seat in a class does NOT guarantee that D-clearance will be given. Certain prerequisites must be met and there are several D-clearance JOUR classes that are only open to JOUR majors. 

Journalism non-majors can come in on a non-major D-clearance day to receive D-clearance. Please check our advisement schedule each semester for specific dates. D-clearance is based on available spaces in a class, prior JOUR courses completed, and cumulative USC GPA for some courses. An open seat in a class does NOT guarantee that D-clearance will be given. Certain prerequisites must be met and there are several D-clearance JOUR classes that are only open to JOUR majors. However, most JOUR classes that non-majors can take do not require D-clearance. 

If you do not come in on a non-major D-clearance day, you may fill out a USC Annenberg School of Journalism D-clearance form and pick up your processed form from Annenberg Student Services (ASC 140). Please allow 24 hours for us to process any D-clearance forms. 

If you have any questions, email ascjadv@usc.edu – the Annenberg Advisement email account. Please note that non-majors can take a maximum of 20 JOUR units. 

What is an “R” class?  
If there is an “R” after the five-digit class number (ex: 21008R), it is an “R” class. Registration for “R” classes is on a first-come, first-serve basis. If the course has a prerequisite, the prerequisite must be met in order to register for the class. Any undergraduate student, regardless of major, can register for journalism classes with an “R” designation. When all of the seats are filled in a class with an “R” designation, then the class is closed.

Please note: Students who have not been admitted to a journalism major or one of the minors may only complete a maximum of 20 JOUR units at USC. No further JOUR courses may be taken until the student is admitted.

I am interested in enrolling in a journalism class with an “R” designation that is currently closed. What can I do? 
First, you can periodically check the online Schedule of Classes to see if anyone has dropped the class. If a seat opens up on the online Schedule of Classes by the Friday before the semester begins, you can add the class via web registration.

All JOUR classes turn into D-clearance classes on the first day of the class. In some cases, JOUR instructors may have the opportunity to add additional students to their class. You must attend the first class session with a Request for Change of Program (add/drop form) to see if the instructor is willing to add you to the class. By choosing this option, you must:

  • Obtain the instructor's signature on the add/drop form.
  • Stop by Annenberg Student Services (ASC 140) to submit your form for processing (receiving D- clearance) as soon as you can
  • Wait 24 hours in order for your form to be processed.
  • Return to ASC 140 to pick up your form. If you have been given D-clearance, your form will state this clearly. If you have not been given D-clearance, you will not be able to register for the class.

Please note: You should always register for a full load of classes in case a spot does not open up. Keep in mind that even after obtaining the instructor’s signature and departmental stamp, you must still register at the One Stop Center. Also, obtaining the instructor’s signature does not guarantee that D-clearance will be given, because of room capacity, the course enrollment cap, and the number of add/drop forms received for a particular class. 

I’m thinking about taking summer classes at another institution. What do I need to do? 
There are significant restrictions on transferring courses. Before taking courses at another college, please consult with your academic adviser and also log into OASIS to complete the online “Request for pre-approval to transfer course work to USC.” 


  • Students can only transfer in a maximum of 64 units.
  • Students can only transfer up to 8 units after completion of 64 college-level units (combined USC and transfer) and only up to the 64-unit transfer limit.
  • Students may take courses outside of USC in the summer term only.
  • Students may complete the diversity and foreign language requirements outside of USC, as well as general electives.
  • Students CANNOT take writing or general education requirements at another institution after starting classes at USC. 

The online “Request for pre-approval to transfer coursework to USC” will provide an immediate response. If you are notified on OASIS or by your adviser that you may not submit your request online, please use the paper form available here and return it to the One Stop Center. If you are interested in taking summer classes at an institution within California, please refer to the Undergraduate Transfer Credit website. For California Community Colleges, refer to the Articulation Agreements with California Community Colleges. For local universities, refer to the Articulation Histories with Local Four Year Colleges. For all other schools, current USC students should complete the “Request for pre-approval to transfer course work to USC” mentioned above. All USC students planning to take transfer courses should fill out a pre-approval form, even if the courses are listed in an articulation agreement. This should be completed before registering for courses at another institution. 

Once you have completed your courses, please have your official transcripts sent to:
University of Southern California 
Degree Progress Department 
615 Childs Way, TRO 101 
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0912 

Note: The USC Annenberg School of Journalism does not accept major courses from other institutions. JOUR majors cannot transfer in any JOUR classes. The only exception is that JOUR majors can transfer in a JOUR course for subject credit only if it fulfills the diversity requirement. For JOUR minors, any JOUR classes taken outside of USC will not count towards the minor. For non-majors, any units earned for JOUR classes outside of USC will be removed if you are later accepted into one of the USC School of Journalism majors. 

I’m interested in taking a graduate course. What do I need to do? 
Exceptional undergraduate students may enroll in a graduate course. In order to do so, students must receive approval from the instructor. Students must have prior approval from the chair of the major department to count the course for undergraduate credit or audit the course. The student’s major department will notify the Degree Progress Department regarding the manner in which the graduate course will be used. In no case will a student be allowed to enroll in and receive credit for a graduate course if the student’s cumulative USC GPA is below 2.0.

If you are an Annenberg major, contact your Annenberg adviser for more information. If you’re not an Annenberg major, please contact your major adviser for more information. 

I received an SAP (Satisfactory Academic Progress) form. What should I do? 
Students are required, both by federal and state financial aid guidelines, as well as by USC’s Financial Aid Office, to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) towards their degrees. SAP regulations govern how many classes a student should be taking in a given semester and how many semesters of financial aid students can receive. 

Students who have specific questions about how SAP regulations apply to their situation, or who might need to complete an SAP appeal, should make an appointment to meet with their adviser in their home department. 

Do I have to take at least 16 units each semester? 
Please contact your major adviser to discuss your course plan. However, taking at least 16 units each semester will help facilitate the completion of your degree within four years. Keep in mind that flat rate tuition covers 12-18 units. You are considered a part-time student if you are enrolled in 11 units or less and are charged accordingly per unit. Please be sure to check with the USC Financial Aid Office and/or your scholarship coordinator to find out if being a part-time student will affect your financial aid package and/or scholarship. Being a part-time student may also affect your health insurance policy if you are covered under your parents’ policy. Be sure to check with your insurance company for verification.

I have been offered an internship; however they require that I receive internship or school credit. What classes can I take? 
A list of classes available for internship credit is available here. Most of our students take COMM 205 Communication Practicum (1-2 units), JOUR 205 Journalism Practicum (1-2 units), or MDA 250 Internship for Liberal Arts: Work and Career, Theory and Practice (1-2 units). If you need an internship letter and are enrolled in COMM 205 or JOUR 205, please contact the Annenberg Career Development Office. If you need an internship letter and are enrolled in a non-Annenberg internship class, please contact the instructor of your internship class. JOUR majors who are enrolled in a JOUR course can receive internship credit through their JOUR class. Please contact your instructor directly. Annenberg majors can also check with our Annenberg Career Development advisers about other opportunities to seek credit for internships. Annenberg majors, minors and non-majors can also contact the USC Career Planning and Placement Center

I am thinking about taking a class in the summer at USC. How long is each summer session? 
Each summer session varies in length. Please consult the Schedule of Classes each summer. A link on the left-hand side of the summer Schedule of Classes will direct you to the summer session codes and length of the class. Please pay attention to the first three digits of the class number, as this indicates your summer session code and length of the class. For example, a class number of 054-20301D represents a summer session code of 054. You can also check the dates for a summer class by clicking on a specific class on the Schedule of Classes (not web registration) and then by clicking on the three-digit summer session code or the calendar icon. 

Wait list procedures

How do I get onto a waitlist?  
Each semester, our office conducts mandatory advisement for Annenberg majors. All majors are required to meet with an adviser to discuss their course plan and have their mandatory advisement hold lifted. Students may request departmental clearance (D-clearance) for classes during their mandatory advisement appointment. If the course or section that a student requests becomes full, a wait list is then generated. D-clearance and waitlist requests will not be granted before a student’s mandatory advisement appointment. After the mandatory advisement appointment, USC Annenberg majors are allowed to make D-clearance and waitlist requests via phone or email. 

Note: There are no wait lists for journalism classes with an “R” designation. 

Can I be placed on a waitlist if I am not a journalism major? 
D-clearances and wait lists are granted to non-majors only after all journalism majors have met with their advisers for mandatory advisement. Our office will designate specific days when non-majors can come in and request D-clearance or be placed onto a waitlist if a class is full. Please check our advisement schedule each semester for the non-major D-clearance date. 

When will I be notified if a space opens up in a course? 
Each student’s D-clearance has an expiration date. This date is typically the last day of classes for the semester. Once this date has passed, our office will identify how many seats are still available in each course. If there are seats still available, our office will review the wait list and contact students in chronological order. Students will be sent an email to their USC email address and are given a specific date to register for the course. If a wait-listed student does not register for the course by the expiration date given, then s/he will lose his/her seat in the class and our office will continue to go down the waitlist. This procedure continues until all seats in the course have been filled.

I put my name on the waitlist. Why have I not heard anything back? 
You will only be contacted by our office if a seat opens up and you are next on the list. We do not notify students of their waitlist status. As long as there are seats open in a course that requires D-clearance, our office will continue to go through the waitlist and give D-clearances (see question above). 

Can I attend the first day of class and see if the professor will let me in? 
If you have been placed on a waitlist and have not heard back from our office, we suggest that you attend the first day of class and request permission to enroll directly from the instructor. Once the school year begins, all requests for enrollment fall upon the authority of the individual instructors and then the Department’s Director Office, if necessary. If the instructor gives you permission to take the course, s/he will need to sign your add/drop form. Once the form is signed by the instructor, you will need to turn it in to Annenberg Student Services (ASC 140) for processing. Approval will be given or denied within 24 hours. Please note that since there is no guarantee you will be able to add the class, make sure to register for a full load of classes and attend the class sessions for your registered classes.

On the Schedule of Classes it says that the course is still open, can I request D-clearance? 
For D-clearance courses, you cannot rely on the enrollment number seen on the Schedule of Classes or web registration. D-clearances tend to be given out to students before their permit to register date. For example, the Schedule of Classes may show a course as having 10 open seats; however, in reality all D-clearances may have been given for the course and a wait list has already been generated. You need to contact your academic adviser to see if the course is truly open or whether you will need to be placed on the wait list. 

Note: For “R” classes, the number shown on the Schedule of Classes is accurate and our office does not maintain wait lists for these courses. Registration for “R” classes is based on a first-come, first-serve basis. 

Can I be put on a waitlist for multiple sections of the same course? 
Students are only allowed to be placed on a waitlist for one section of a particular course. 


What are the GPA expectations and requirements for students in the School of Journalism? 
The Annenberg School of Journalism expects JOUR majors to maintain at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA and a 2.0 JOUR upper-division GPA. Please note that a 2.0 cumulative GPA is required in order to graduate from the university. 

Also, JOUR majors are required to complete each JOUR class with at least a grade of C-. JOUR courses with a grade of D+ or below must be repeated; courses may only be taken a total of two times. If a JOUR major fails the same JOUR course twice, then s/he will be dropped from the major. 

What is “Freshman Forgiveness”? 
According to the USC Catalogue, special provision governs the repeat of courses by students who enter USC as first-time freshmen. These students may repeat a maximum of three courses taken during the first two semesters at USC in which grades of D+ or below (including UW and IX) were received, and only the subsequent letter grade, even if lower, will be calculated in the GPA. The courses must be repeated at USC for a letter grade, and both courses with the grades received will appear on the transcript. The same course may be repeated no more than once for the benefit of substitution of grade. Students must notify the One Stop Center if they wish to utilize this provision. 

Students who have been assigned a grade as a result of a Student Conduct sanction may not repeat the course under this provision. 

Students who were admitted for spring and were first-time freshmen elsewhere in the previous fall may repeat a maximum of two courses taken during the first semester at USC in which grades of D+ or below were received with the same set of provisions stated above. An exception is the case in which a student earns a grade of C- in a course for which a grade of C or higher is required for application to major or minor requirements. In this case, the subsequent grade will be calculated in the GPA without the requirement of a petition. 

What is pass/no pass (P/NP)? When is the deadline to decide whether or not I want to take a class pass/no pass? 
Pass/no pass grades do not factor into your GPA. No more than 24 units of undergraduate coursework may be taken on a P/NP basis and only a maximum of four of these 24 units may be applied to the general education (GE) requirements. In the P/NP option, students must earn at least a C- to pass the course. Grades of D+ or below receive a no-pass. A passing grade will be recorded as a P and a “no pass” will be recorded as an NP. 

USC allows students to decide the grade option for any course up until the 20 percent mark of the session in which the course is offered. For the specific deadline to change the grade option of a course, click the calendar icon next to the course on the Schedule of Classes. Certain undergraduate courses (e.g., courses offered by the WRIT department) must be taken for letter grade. Refer to the Pass/No Pass Graded Work section in the USC Catalogue for details on degree credit restrictions on courses taken on a P/NP basis. Students should consult an academic adviser before enrolling in any course on a P/NP basis. 

Students can request to change their grade designation by via web registration or in person at the One Stop Center.
Note: The USC Annenberg School of Journalism does not allow its majors or minors to take JOUR courses on a P/NP basis. 

What may be taken pass/no pass (P/NP) within the School of Journalism? 

  • One General Education (GE) Course 
  • Foreign Language (all three levels) 
  • Diversity 
  • Global Perspectives
  • General Electives 

Please note: No major courses, minor courses or writing requirements may be taken on a pass/no pass basis. 

What is credit/no credit (C/NC)?  
Certain courses have been authorized by the University Curriculum Committee to be graded credit/no credit. Students may not enroll in a course on a C/NC basis unless the course is listed as being offered as C/NC. To receive credit (CR) for a credit/no credit undergraduate course, students must earn the equivalent of a C- or higher. Students will receive no credit (NC) if they receive the grade equivalent of a D+ or lower. If you have any questions, please refer to the “PDF icon Definitions of Grades and Marks” section (pages 7-10) on USC’s Department of Grades website

What is a withdrawal (W) and when is the last day to drop a class with a mark of a W? What happens if I drop a class after that deadline? 
A mark of W (withdrawal) means that a student withdrew from a class after the designated deadline. The “W” is not calculated into the GPA. The last day a student can drop a class without a mark of “W” on their academic record is the third Friday of the semester for session 001 (see Schedule of Classes for the deadlines for the other session codes–hyperlink SOC to http://classes.usc.edu/). The last day a student can drop a class without a mark of “W” on their transcript is the seventh Friday of the semester for session 001 (see Schedule of Classes for the deadlines for the other session codes). The “W” will appear on a student’s USC academic records, but it will not be noted on the transcript. The last day a student can drop a class with a mark of “W” on their transcript is the 12th Friday of the semester for session 001 (see Schedule of Classes for the deadlines for the other session codes). For more information, go to the Registration site.

What is an incomplete (IN)? 
According to the USC Catalogue and (under Academic Policies – Academic Standards) USC Department of Grades, an incomplete (IN) is assigned when work is not completed because of documented illness or emergency occurring after the 12th week of the semester for session 001 (see Schedule of Classes for the deadlines for the other session codes). If an IN is assigned as the student’s grade, the instructor will fill out the Assignment of an Incomplete (IN) and Requirements for Completion form which will specify to the student and to the department the work remaining to be done, the procedures for its completion, the grade in the course to date, and the weight to be assigned to the work remaining to be done when computing the final grade. A student may complete the IN by completing only the portion of required work not finished as a result of documented illness or emergency occurring after the 12th week the semester for session 001 (see Schedule of Classes for the deadlines for the other session codes). Previously graded work may not be repeated for credit.

What is the time limit for removal of an Incomplete (IN)? 
According to the USC Catalogue (under Academic Policies – Academic Standards) and USC Department of Grades, one calendar year is allowed to complete an incomplete (IN). Individual academic units and/or instructors may have more stringent policies regarding these time limits. If the IN is not completed within the designated time, the course is considered “lapsed," the grade is changed to an “IX” and will be calculated into the GPA as 0 points (like an F). Courses offered on a credit/no credit (CR/NC) basis or taken on a pass/no pass (P/NP) basis for which a mark of IN is assigned will be lapsed with a mark of NC or NP and will not be calculated into the GPA. 

Completing the IN within the one-year period should be the student’s highest priority. A student may petition the Committee on Academic Policies and Procedures (CAPP) for an extension of time for the completion of an IN. Extensions beyond the specified time limit are rarely approved if the student has enrolled in subsequent semesters.

In all cases, a petition for an extension of time for completion of an IN must have departmental approval and include a statement from the instructor explaining what is needed to complete the course and why the instructor feels the student should be given even further time for completion. 

What is a missing grade (MG)? 
According to the USC Catalogue, a missing grade is an administrative mark assigned by an automated grade scanning system which results when an instructor fails to correctly submit a final course grade for a student. Missing grades are also initially given to students who have been reported to Student Judicial Affairs and Community Standards (SJACS) for an academic integrity violation. Once the SJACS issue has been resolved, then the student will receive an actual grade for the course. 

Marks of MG must be resolved before a degree or certificate will be awarded. If a student wishes to graduate and chooses not to resolve the mark(s) of MG, the mark(s) will be defaulted to mark(s) of UW (unofficial withdrawal) and will be calculated into GPA as 0 grade points. 

One calendar year is allowed to resolve an MG. If an MG is not resolved within one year, the grade is changed to UW and it will be calculated into the GPA as 0 grade points. Courses offered on a credit/no credit (CR/NC) basis or taken on a pass/no pass (P/NP) basis for which an MG was not resolved within one year will be changed to a mark of NC or NP and will not be calculated into the GPA. 

When are my final examinations?  
Please refer to the “Final Examinations Schedule” each semester on the online Schedule of Classes. Students are advised to plan in advance to avoid scheduling conflicts for their final examinations. However, in the event that a student is scheduled for two final examinations at the same time or is scheduled for more than two final examinations on one day, an attempt will be made to make alternative arrangements. The student should notify their instructors early in the semester to resolve this issue. 

When will grades be posted to my record?  
Instructors must submit grades within four working days from the date of the scheduled examination for fall, spring and summer terms. It takes five working days to process grades from the time they are submitted by the instructor. 


What is the 72 accreditation standard that I must follow as a Broadcast and Digital Journalism (BRDJ), Print and Digital Journalism (PRDJ), or Public Relations (PREL) major?  
The Annenberg School of Journalism is accredited by the ACEJMC (Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communication) and must follow specific guidelines in order to maintain its status as an accredited school. The ACEJMC established specific guidelines to ensure that all JOUR majors receive an education that covers a breadth of various disciplines. The ACEJMC states that JOUR majors must take 72 non-JOUR units, includes AP and IB units. JOUR majors who do not meet the JOUR accreditation rule will not be allowed to take additional upper division JOUR electives (other than the limit provided by their major). JOUR majors can take a maximum of 40 units of upper division JOUR courses if they have met the accreditation requirements.

If you have any questions about ACEJMC’s accreditation guidelines, please contact your academic adviser. 

Study abroad

I want to study abroad in the future. Do I need to see my academic adviser? 
If you want to study abroad or are considering studying abroad, mention it to your adviser during your mandatory advisement appointment as soon as you know that you are considering it as an option. This will allow your adviser to discuss how studying abroad fits in with your academic course plan and it will give you time to plan accordingly.

I’m studying abroad next semester. Do I still need to come in for advisement?  
Yes, because advisement is mandatory for all Annenberg majors each semester if they are taking classes in the upcoming semester. During your advisement appointment, your adviser will lift your mandatory advisement hold, so that you can register for your study abroad classes. Your adviser will also discuss the courses you are planning to take abroad, as well as your remaining semesters at USC. 

I’m studying abroad this semester. How will I be advised when I’m abroad and how do I sign up for classes at USC for the following semester? 
Annenberg majors currently studying abroad will receive an email from ascjadv@usc.edu – the Annenberg Advisement email address – regarding mandatory advisement for the upcoming semester. Students sign up for advisement based on class standing. When a particular class standing is able to sign up for advisement, study abroad students will receive another email from ascjadv@usc.edu with directions on how to schedule an advisement appointment. Also, a preliminary schedule of classes for the Annenberg School of Journalism will be provided, if available. Advisement will be conducted via Skype. Your adviser will review your course plan, lift your advisement hold, give you any necessary JOUR D-clearances for the following semester, and answer any questions you may have. Please note that it is your responsibility to schedule your advisement appointment. Class seats are not held for our students studying abroad. 

Honors / Scholarships

How do I receive university honors? 
To be eligible for undergraduate honors at graduation, a minimum overall GPA of 3.5 for cum laude, 3.7 for magna cum laude and 3.9 for summa cum laude is required. Students must meet these averages, both on residence work attempted and on combined transferred and residence work attempted. The honors award is then determined by either the GPA for the residence work or the GPA for the combined transferred and residence work, whichever is lower. The university will not deviate from policies governing the calculation of the GPA’s required for graduation with honors through inclusion or exclusion of coursework. University honors are noted on academic transcripts and the diploma. 

How do I receive departmental honors within the School of Journalism?  
Journalism faculty members nominate high-achieving students to participate in JOUR 498 Honors Seminar (2 units). Nominations are based on academic achievement, performance in the classroom, leadership, internships and involvement in the school. Student nominees are invited to take JOUR 498 the spring semester of their senior year. Students are invited in the fall semester, so they can prepare their schedule for their final spring term. Students who successfully complete JOUR 498 and maintain at least a 3.5 JOUR major GPA and a 3.0 cumulative GPA will receive JOUR departmental honors. Departmental honors are noted on academic transcripts, but not on the diploma. 

How can I find out more information on obtaining scholarships?  
For more information on scholarships, please visit USC’s Financial Aid website or Annenberg's scholarship website.

Records / Transcripts / Diplomas

How can I restrict the release of public directory information? 
According to FERPA, a student can request that the institution not release any directory information about him/her. Institutions must comply with this request, once received, if the student is still enrolled. 

At USC, students who wish to restrict the release of directory information about themselves must complete a "Request To Restrict Directory Information" form, available in the lobby of the Registration Building or by email (gtv@usc.edu). Students have the choice of restricting online student directory information, or they can restrict the release of all of their directory information. The completed form must be submitted in person to the One Stop Center and must be accompanied by a photo I.D. Students will be required to renew the request at the beginning of each academic year. 

Students who wish to restrict directory information should realize that their names will not appear in the commencement bulletin and other university publications. Also, employers, credit card companies, loan agencies, scholarship committees and the like will be denied any of the student's directory information and will be informed that we have no information available about the student's attendance at USC. Students who wish to have specific directory information released may do so by providing a written authorization to the Registrar's Office. 

My car insurance company is requesting that I have a form filled out stating that I am in good academic standing at USC. What do I do?  
Current USC students and alumni can request academic record verification from the USC Department of Verification.

Where can I get a copy of my transcript?  
Transcripts can be ordered through the USC Department of Transcripts.

When will my degree be posted and when will I receive my diploma? 
Degrees are posted by the 15th of the month after classes end each semester. If you complete your degree requirements in May, your degree will be posted by June 15. If you complete your degree requirements in August, your degree will be posted by September 15. If you complete your degree requirements in December, your degree will be posted by January 15. 

Diplomas are generally printed and mailed six to eight weeks after the conclusion of your final semester. If you need official verification of your degree before you receive your diploma, please contact the Verification or Transcript Department. If you requested that we "Hold for Pick-Up," or if your diploma mailing address is in the 90007 or 90089 zip codes, Degree Progress will email you a notice when your diploma is ready for pick-up. 

For more information, please refer to the USC Department of Diplomas.

Other things you should know about

Academic Integrity 
Since its founding in 1971, the Annenberg School of Journalism has maintained a commitment to the highest standards of ethical conduct and academic excellence. Any student found plagiarizing, fabricating, cheating on examinations, and/or purchasing papers or other assignments faces sanctions ranging from an “F” on the assignment to dismissal from the School of Journalism.

Sanctions and Consequences 
Sanctions include but are not limited to: grade sanctions (e.g., “F” in course) and dismissal from the academic department. In addition, sanctions of suspension or expulsion from the university may be assessed through a review process when requested by the instructor, requested by the academic or administrative unit in which the violation occurred, or when indicated by university standards (such as the seriousness of the misconduct or the existence of previous academic violations by the student). 

Students may not withdraw from a course in which they have committed or have been accused of committing an academic integrity violation. Students found to have withdrawn from a course in which an academic integrity violation is alleged or determined will be reenrolled in the course upon receipt of a violation report by the Office of Student Judicial Affairs and Community Standards.

Students found responsible for an act of academic dishonesty in a course in which they have participated but have not enrolled (auditing), will be retroactively enrolled and assigned an appropriate sanction.

Sanctions for second offenses by undergraduate students will be more severe and generally will include suspension or expulsion. 

If you have any questions about USC’s Academic Integrity Policy, please refer to the Student Judicial Affairs and Community Standards website

Class Attendance  
The Annenberg School of Journalism adheres to the university’s policy regarding class attendance in the Schedule of Classes

Registration in a class does not by itself guarantee a space in that class. An instructor may replace any student who without prior consent does not attend these class sessions: 

  • (a) the first two class sessions, or 
  • (b) the first class session of the semester for once-a-week classes. 

It is then the student’s responsibility to withdraw officially from the course through the One Stop Center. Any class added by web registration or in-person after the first week of classes should always receive the instructor’s approval. 

How many upper-division units can I take from any department?  
Students can take a maximum of 40 upper-division units in any one department. If a student wants to exceed the limit, s/he first must obtain approval from his/her major department (contact the major adviser), with the final endorsement of the Dean overseeing the major. 

Policy on Accommodations for Students with Disabilities 
USC is committed to full compliance with the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504) and the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA). As part of the implementation of this law, the university will continue to provide reasonable accommodation for academically qualified students with disabilities so that they can participate fully in the university’s educational programs and activities. Although USC is not required by law to change the “fundamental nature or essential curricular components of its programs in order to accommodate the needs of disabled students,” the university will provide reasonable academic accommodation. It is the specific responsibility of the university administration and all faculty serving in a teaching capacity to ensure the university’s compliance with this policy. 

The general definition of a student with a disability is any person who has “a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more of such person’s major life activities,” and any person who has “a history of, or is regarded as having, such an impairment.” Reasonable academic and physical accommodations include but are not limited to: extended time on examinations; advance notice regarding booklists for visually impaired and some learning disabled students; use of academic aides in the classroom such as note-takers and sign language interpreters; accessibility for students who use wheelchairs and those with mobility impairments; and need for special classroom furniture or special equipment in the classroom. 

Procedures for Obtaining Accommodations  
Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact Disability Services and Programs (DSP) prior to or during the first week of class attendance or as early in the semester as possible. The office will work with the course instructor and his or her department, and the student to arrange for reasonable accommodations. It is the student’s responsibility to provide documentation verifying disability in a timely way. 

Academic Accommodations  
Students seeking academic accommodations due to a disability should make the request to the course instructor prior to or during the first week of class attendance or as early in the semester as possible. Course instructors should require that a student present verification of documentation of a disability from Disability Services and Programs if academic accommodations are requested. 

Students requesting academic accommodations must have verification of disability. 

Discussion and Lab Sections  
If a class has a discussion or lab section, registration is required in the lecture and the discussion/lab section, unless the Schedule of Classes states otherwise. Not registering for the discussion or lab section may severely affect your grade in the course. 

Other departments you should know about: