Overholser on CBS Sunday Morning News: There's not yet a "complete menu that would replace newspapers"

School of Journalism director Geneva Overholser (pictured) told CBS News Monday Morning in its "cover story" that the potential loss of the daily print newspaper would be a clear and present danger to our civic life. 

"Newsrooms in newspapers have been the predominant source of original reporting about what's going on in city hall, in classrooms, about Washington, about the international scene," Overholser said. "There'll be a time when we do really need to stand up and say, 'Wait a minute!' … and it's getting pretty close."

CBS News gave viewers a look at the arguments for and against the survival of newspapers, although both sides said newsgathering will continue even if the printed-and-delivered newspapers do not.

"This democracy might thrive with a different-looking press," Overholser said. "But I don't think we've figured out yet a complete menu that would replace newspapers."

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