USC Annenberg announces enhanced online resource for journal on information and communication technologies

Information Technologies and International Development (ITID), the interdisciplinary open-access journal that focuses on the intersection of information and communication technologies with development in the Global South, has launched a new online resource that provides improved access to current and back issues for readers, as well as enhanced author and reviewer facilities. 

ITID is published by the USC Annenberg School's “Annenberg Press.”

Published in cooperation with the Georgia Institute of Technology, ITID was founded by USC Annenberg Dean Ernest J. Wilson III, and is co-edited by Annenberg communication professor François Bar (pictured, right) and Georgia Institute of Technology professor Michael L. Best. Arlene Luck of USC serves as managing editor.

"We are thrilled to announce our enhanced online presence with the launch of our newly designed ITID 2.0 Web site,” Bar said. “Before this site upgrade, we had a limited submission management system for authors at the ITID Journal. We are pleased with the accessibility and user-friendly applications on our new site and believe our readers and authors will be better served." 

Produced by the Georgia Tech Library, the new ITID Web site,, brings together functionalities for browsing, searching and reading papers, and serves as an online submission system for authors and a reviewing system for a peer review team.

New features include:

  • An elegant, simple design that makes finding papers and information quick and easy.
  • A selection of useful reading tools such as citation managers, interactive reader comment facilities, and tools to search for related works.
  • Simple browsing and advanced search capabilities for the entire ITID archives.

“We are delighted with the site and its new visual design, but intend to continue to grow its functionality while preserving its simplicity,” Best said. “We will continue to look for ways to improve the online experience for all users and serve as a model for what libraries and scholars can accomplish in the field of open access scholarly publishing."

Said Dean Wilson: “Top journals must continuously innovate and track new ways to use the Internet to foster a richer intellectual exchange and improve the readers’ experience. USC Annenberg’s goal is to implement sustainable innovation throughout all areas of teaching and research. We believe that with the launch of the ITID 2.0 Web site, we have moved ahead of the innovation curve and now offer a best practice in online journal environments."

ITID is being supported, in part, by Microsoft.

“ITID is very grateful to Microsoft for its generous sponsorship, which has further inspired our contributors and referees to commit to the very highest standards of scholarly publication,” Bar said.

Said Akhtar Badshah Microsoft's senior director of Community Affairs: “ITID aligns directly to our commitment under Microsoft Unlimited Potential – to bring relevant, accessible and affordable technology to the next 5 billion people on the planet. The updated site only increases the value of this body or work and greatly improves the user experience."

Information Technologies and International Development