I can’t tell you how delighted I am to be here – and on behalf of both the Annenberg Foundation and the Annenberg School’s new Center for Communication Leadership, to play my small part in the effort to find common solutions to our common problems.
It’s been said that democracy is how we choose the people who get the blame.
Well if that’s true, why is it that so many public...
Well, thank you very much, and it is wonderful to see all of you here today. I want to thank also Governor Napolitano for being here. Where is she? Oh yeah, right here. Hi, how are you? Are they treating you well in my state? Very nice. Good to see you, good to see you. And I want to thank first, right off the top, the Annenberg School for hosting this event here, and I want to thank also...
Thank you, Mayor Villaraigosa . It's a pleasure to be in L.A. - the greatest, most exciting American city, west of the Hudson River. (I say that as an entirely neutral observer of course.) I also want to thank the Annenberg School for hosting this conference. The last time I was in California, the Annenberg family hosted a dinner for Mayor Villaraigosa that I had the pleasure of attending....
I want you to know that when I first learned about the opportunity to stand with the Republican Mayor of New York co-hosting a symposium on the problem of partisan polarization, I wanted to run right out and give a speech about it that very day.
This is a story I know from experience.
You see, I was first elected to the California State Assembly in 1994.
It was the same...