Journalism professor K.C. Cole had an audio commentary published in American Public Media’s Marketplace on June 5 about the dangers of too much greed — and the virtues of cooperation — in the business world
The final full day of presentations at Beyond Broadcast 2009 brought about discussions about changing lives through story-telling, maintaining editorial quality in a participatory environment, and a host of other topics surrounding local to global public service media at USC Annenberg
Thursday’s full day of Beyond Broadcast 2009 at USC Annenberg featured international stories of digital media startups and shared knowledge public interest media
The first full day at Beyond Broadcast 2009 began with communication professor Sandra Ball-Rokeach keynoting a talk on "Public Service Media: Three Conceptual Tools" in which she discussed the importance of enabling storytelling in individual communities
USC Annenberg Dean Ernest J. Wilson III and communication scholar Henry Jenkins opened the fourth-annual Beyond Broadcast conference with observations about the importance of public media and the future of a participatory democracy enabled by technology
USC Annenberg and the Social Science Research Council's Necessary Knowledge for a Democratic Public Sphere program co-hosted a two-day gathering June 2-3 of grantees, program partners, scholars and advocates at the Annenberg School. The workshop attendees discussed strategies to improve and increase research-advocacy collaborations on media and communications issues
Hundreds of media professionals and scholars from around the world will explore the future of media and its potential to serve the public at the fourth annual Beyond Broadcast conference starting June 3