posts resources for journalists covering swine flu

USC Annenberg's, a new Web 2.0 community for journalists covering health funded by The California Endowment, recently posted new resources on covering the unfolding swine flu outbreak.

This guide provides a general overview of swine flu and the best Web sites for statistics, public health updates, scientific and policy information and blogs about the disease. ReportingonHealth bloggers Barbara Feder Ostrov, former medical writer for the San Jose Mercury News, and Bill Heisel, investigative reporter for the Los Angeles Times, offer fresh angles for covering the story here and here. is a community of journalists committed to improving their craft by sharing ideas and resources. The California Endowment Health Journalism Fellowships offer journalists a chance to step away from the newsroom to hone their health reporting skills. In workshops, field trips and discussions, fellows learn from nationally renowned health experts, policy analysts and community health leaders, from top journalists in the field, and from each other. Participants "graduate" with a multitude of story ideas and sources, plus a thorough grounding in the principles and practice of good health journalism.
The California Endowment
Swine flu resources