Free Speech and Open Government Assembly explores current First Amendment topics

USC Annenberg and the California First Amendment Coalition present the annual Free Speech and Open Government Assembly Oct. 25-26, which brings together the best and brightest of law, journalism and public policy. Newsweek columnist Stuart Taylor is the featured speaker on Oct. 25 and will speak on the rush to judgment in the Duke rape case. New Yorker Magazine writer Jeffrey Toobin is the featured speaker on Oct. 26 and will discuss secrecy and the U.S. Supreme Court.

There will be more than a dozen debates and panels on topics ranging from confidential sources (with Judith Miller, Josh Wolf and Lance Williams) to "place blogging" (with Dan Gillmor and Kevin Roderick). Also included are forums on social networking, national security secrecy, immigration reporting, cameras in the courtroom, tribal secrecy, access to police records — and more, all featuring leading lawyers, journalists, new media mavens, policy wonks and other experts.

The Oct. 25 Assembly will be located at the USC Davidson Executive Conference Center, and the Oct. 26 Assembly will be at the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism. Please explore the Assembly program for specific locations and registration information.

Assembly Program