Digital Future Report reveals 10 Internet trends

The USC Annenberg School Center for the Digital Future marks the 10-year anniversary of the Internet's public debut with an in-depth report on the Web's impact titled Ten Years, Ten Trends." "After a decade of observing the evolution of the Internet, and four years of our formal studies of online technology, we are seeing clear trends in how the Internet has changed the United States," said Jeffrey Cole, director of the Center for the Digital Future. Cole and the Center found that three-quarters of Americans now go online, and that they average 12.5 hours of surfing time per week the highest since the study started four years ago. "Our annual projects explore more than 100 major issues concerning online behavior," he said. "Of these findings, 10 broad trends have emerged that have particular relevance as we reach the 10-year anniversary of the opening of the Internet to the public."
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