Where are you from and what were you doing before enrolling in graduate school?
I proudly hail from the San Gabriel Valley. Glendora, east of the city down the 210. Before enrolling at USC I was writing about film and culture for a number of local and national publications, working at coffee shops around the SGV, and writing SEO to support myself.
How did you learn of the degree program and why did you choose USC Annenberg?
I heard about the specialized journalism (the arts) program as far back as 2017, but held off on applying until I was fully ready for the experience. It's a completely engrossing experience, so I’m glad I did, and I’m getting exactly what I came here for. This program challenges your craft in an intense way. You’re forced to pick up new writing styles, tell stories across unfamiliar media, and develop the kind of thick skin and multitasking faculties that you need in this industry.
What have you enjoyed the most about the degree program?
The thing I’ve most enjoyed about Annenberg has been the community. The faculty are extraordinarily professionally accomplished, but they’re all also sincere, down to earth, accessible people. And they will make time for you. Developing a network of peers and mentors that also feel like friends has eased a lot of the difficulty and discomfort that's built into this kind of work.