Alphoncina (Allie) Lyamuya
Alphoncina Lyamuya is a doctoral student at USC Annenberg. Her research interests lie at the intersection of emerging technologies, transnational governance, and inequality. Specifically, she is interested in the development and use of digital infrastructure and automated systems by bureaucratic international organizations in migration management and humanitarian governance. Her work spans the design and use of humanitarian predictive technologies in managing forced migration, to digitalization and automation of humanitarian cash assistance for refugees, particularly in the Global South.
Lyamuya’s research has been published in the International Journal of Communication and New Media and Society, and presented at the annual conferences of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), International Communication Association (ICA), International Humanitarian Studies Association, and International Telecommunications Society (ITS) where she received best student paper award.
Before USC Annenberg, Lyamuya worked as a research fellow with the Massachusetts Broadband Institute and as a program administrator with an educational nonprofit based in Boston. She holds a Master of Public Policy & Administration with a graduate certificate in Data Analytics and Computational Social Science, and a BA in Legal Studies from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She is also a graduate student affiliate with the Center for Information, Technology, and Public Life (CITAP) at UNC.