What impact did your graduate experience have on your professional trajectory?
The Digital Social Media program is designed in such a way that it equips you with all-rounded skills while allowing you to specialize in one specific domain. In a professional setting, this could be very useful as you’ll be able to mold into different tasks and responsibilities while bringing your expertise to the table.
What from your USC Annenberg education best equips you to face the challenges of your field today?
From day one, you’re trained to meet industry standards of professionalism at Annenberg. At the core, the Annenberg education teaches you to look beyond the surface. In all my classes I was taught to ask the right questions, think strategically and resolve problems with intent. USC Annenberg exposes you to all the tools and necessary skillsets you may across in your profession. Further, the Annenberg education trains you to be versatile and agile in this ever-expanding and fast-growing industry.
What advice would you give for someone considering graduate studies at USC?
A master’s at USC is beyond just an education. You’re signing up for a lifetime of resources and community. You’ll never be short of opportunities while on campus, it’s about finding the right resources for yourself and networking extensively. It’s the perfect time to find your niche and fine-tune your skills and expertise.
What is the one thing that a USC Annenberg student ought to take advantage of while enrolled?
I would recommend everyone to enroll in the Digital Lounge workshops. These one-off workshops are designed to give you a quick glimpse of different industry tools and may provide free access to industry-based certifications as well. I would also recommend everyone to make the most of all the events and services provided Annenberg Careers Team. The majority of the opportunities I received were through the career center and I highly suggest everyone schedule an appointment with the career advising team at USC Annenberg.