Amanda Lester
What impact did your graduate experience have on your professional trajectory?
My experience in the MPD program led to internships at the Levitt Foundation, USC Civic Engagement, and USC Annenberg while I was a student. During my final semester, I was hired by my dream employer, the L.A. Phil. The MPD program helped me refine my professional goals and discover different career paths in my field.
What from your USC Annenberg education best equips you to face the challenges of your field today?
MPD classes increased my strategic thinking, cultural sensitivity, and presentation skills, all of which are critical in my field. Some of the experiences that were most relevant and impactful to me were group projects based on real-world situations, student-run events, mock press events, networking with L.A.-area public diplomacy actors, and the practicum.
What advice would you give for someone considering graduate studies at USC?
USC Annenberg faculty are knowledgable, supportive, well-connected, and want you to succeed. Ultimately, though, how much you get out of your graduate experience is up to you. Think carefully about which classes you take and how they align with your professional interests. Seek out opportunities to put what you are learning into practice. Connect with people outside of USC who are active in your field.
What is the one thing that a USC Annenberg student ought to take advantage of while enrolled?
An internship, whether at USC or in the community. There is no substitute for work experience. Internships helped me practice what I was learning in USC Annenberg classes and develop valuable workplace skills.
Lester’s notable projects:
- L.A. Phil and Hollywood Bowl affinity groups for young professionals and students
- Retention and loyalty programs that enrich the customer experience
- Market research on topics such as digital content, marketing collateral, concert programming