PhD student Simogne Hudson

Simogne Hudson

All But Dissertation

Simogne Hudson’s research interests concern the history and politics of the telephone in carceral spaces. Informed by science and technology studies and attending to the relationship between telecommunications and prison boundaries, her work highlights the powerful role the telephone plays in the broader prison network. With attention toward its status as an element of punishment as well as a tool of resistance, her work asks how we might further interrogate carceral infrastructure beyond its physical means of maintaining its borders.

Hudson holds a BA from Portland State University in women’s studies. There, her work focused on the co-construction of knowledge and racialized gender performativity in online beauty communities. While at Portland State, Hudson worked with first year students in a course on race and social justice focused on science fiction narratives in popular culture. Prior to her start at USC, she served as program assistant at Oregon Humanities where she facilitated the design, implementation and evaluation of reflective conversation-based programming across Oregon.