USC Students Applying to Annenberg
![Photo of USC Annenberg students in the USC Media Center](
With a USC Annenberg major or minor, you will experience the benefit of communication, journalism, and public relations and advertising all under one roof.
If you are a USC student interested in one of our three majors in communication, public relations and advertising, or journalism, or if you are looking to add one of our unique and thoughtfully created minors to your degree, explore the page below to discover the possibilities.
Admission Standards and Requirements for Annenberg Majors and Minors
Advisement for Non-Majors
Information Sessions:
The information sessions are for current USC students who are interested in applying to an Annenberg major or minor. Please RSVP to attend an information session here.
Advisors are unable to meet with prospective students until the mandatory advisement and registration period is over (in the fall, this is late April-May and in the spring, this is late November-December). Please note that non-Annenberg students cannot book an appointment outside of these time frames, but they can find recommended courses and course plans for all of our majors below. You can find more details on meeting with an Annenberg advisor on this page.
The d-clearance form will be made available online to non-majors after majors and minors (in the fall, this is early December and in the spring, this is early August). Please note that d-clearance will not be given to a non-Annenberg student until they are admitted into a program or until the non-major period. You can find more details on the d-clearance process and timeline on this page.
![Photo of people in a lecture hall](
Application Availability, Deadline and Notification
Fall applications are made available on July 1.
- Fall applications are due by 4:30 p.m. on the first Friday of the fall semester (in August).
- Fall applicants will be notified on the fourth Friday of the fall semester (in September).
Spring applications are made available on December 1.
- Spring applications are due by 4:30 p.m. on the first Friday of the spring semester (in January).
- Spring applicants will be notified on the fourth Friday of the spring semester (in February).
Summer applications are made available on April 1.
- Summer applications are due by 4:30 p.m. on the first Friday after commencement (in May).
- Summer applicants will be notified two weeks after the deadline (in June).
Please reference the academic calendar on the schedule of classes for specific dates relating to each semester.
Example course plans for majors
The following are four-year course plans for the majors offered at the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism. Please note that these are standard course plans. Actual course plans will be based on the individual student.
Communication Major
Students beginning prior to fall 2015
Students beginning fall 2015 or spring 2016
Students beginning fall 2016
Students beginning fall 2023
Journalism Major
Students beginning fall 2015 or spring 2016
Students beginning fall 2016
Students beginning fall 2023
Public Relations and Advertising Major
Students beginning prior to fall 2015
Students beginning fall 2015
Students beginning fall 2023
The following are two-year course plans for the majors offered at the Annenberg School for Communication, and Journalism. Please note that these are standard course plans. Actual course plans will be based on the individual student.
Communication Major
Students beginning fall 2023
Journalism Major
Students beginning fall 2023
Public Relations and Advertising Major
Students beginning fall 2023
Courses of interest
Students interested in gaining experience in communication may want to consider the following courses:
Communication and Culture
COMM 324m - Intercultural Communication (4 units)
COMM 340 - The Cultures of New Media (4 units)
COMM 345 - Social and Economic Implications of Communication Technologies (4 units)
COMM 360 - The Rhetoric of Los Angeles (4 units)
COMM 384 - Interpreting Popular Culture (4 units)
COMM 395m - Gender, Media and Communication (4 units)
COMM 425 - Communicating Religion (4 units)
COMM 450 - Visual Culture and Communication (4 units)
COMM 451 - Visual Communication and Social Change (4 units)
Entertainment, Communication and Society
COMM 300 - Entertainment, Communication and Society (4 units)
COMM 306 - Innovation, Entertainment, and the Arts (4 units)
COMM 307 - Sound Clash: Popular Music and American Culture (4 units)
COMM 310 - Media and Society (4 units)
COMM 312 - The Business and Culture of Celebrity (4 units)
COMM 340 - The Cultures of New Media (4 units)
COMM 355 - Advertising and Communication (4 units)
COMM 360 - The Rhetoric of Los Angeles (4 units)
COMM 384 - Interpreting Popular Culture (4 units)
COMM 396 - Fashion, Media and Culture (4 units)
COMM 426 - Religion, Media and Hollywood: Faith in TV (4 units)
COMM 430 - Global Entertainment (4 units)
COMM 432 - American Media and Entertainment Industries (4 units)
COMM 433 - Home Entertainment (4 units)
COMM 440 - Music as Communication (4 units)
COMM 454 - Media, Money, and Society (4 units)
COMM 456 - Entertainment, Marketing and Culture (4 units)
COMM 458m - Race and Ethnicity in Entertainment and the Arts (4 units)
COMM 498 - Ethical Issues in Entertainment and Communication (4 units; Prerequisite: COMM 310)
Media Law and Politics
COMM 302 - Persuasion (4 units)
COMM 310 - Media and Society (4 units)
COMM 323 - Public Deliberation (4 units)
COMM 371 - Censorship and the Law: From the Press to Cyberspace (4 units)
COMM 412 - Communication and Social Movements (4 units)
COMM 421 - Legal Communication (4 units)
COMM 422 - Legal Issues and New Media (4 units)
COMM 489 - Campaign Communication (4 units)
Organizational and Interpersonal Communication
COMM 304 - Interpersonal Communication (4 units)
COMM 308 - Communication and Conflict (4 units)
COMM 320 - Small Group and Team Communication (4 units)
COMM 321 - Communication in the Virtual Group (4 units)
COMM 324m - Intercultural Communication (4 units)
COMM 345 - Social and Economic Implications of Communication Technologies (4 units)
COMM 375 - Business and Professional Communication (4 units)
COMM 385 - Survey of Organizational Communication (4 units)
COMM 431 - Global Strategy for the Communications Industry (4 units)
COMM 443 - Communicating Health Messages and Medical Issues (4 units)
COMM 468 - Cross-Cultural Negotiations: Communication and Strategy (4 units)
COMM 480 - Nonverbal Communication (4 units)
COMM 487 - Communication and Global Organizations (4 units)
Sports Media Studies
COMM 381 - Issues in Contemporary Sport (4 units)
COMM 383m - Sports, Communication and Culture (4 units)
COMM 387 - Sports and Social Change (4 units)
COMM 444 - Critical Theories of Sport (4 units)
Other Courses of Interest
COMM 315 - Health Communication (4 units)
COMM 323 - Public Deliberation (4 units)
COMM 339 - Communication Technology and Culture (4 units)
COMM 350 - Video Games: Content, Industry, and Policy (4 units)
COMM 355 - Advertising and Communication (4 units)
COMM 363 - Media Consumption (4 units)
COMM 388 - Ethics in Human Communication (4 units)
COMM 402 - Public Communication Campaigns (4 units)
COMM 455 - Advertising and Society (4 units)
COMM 457 - Children and Media (4 units)
COMM 465m - Gender in Media Industries and Products (4 units)
COMM 475 - Environmental Communication (4 units)
For other courses of interest, please refer to the Schedule of Classes.
Students interested in gaining experience in journalism may want to consider the following courses:
JOUR 201 - Culture of Journalism: Past, Present and Future (4 units)
JOUR 210x - Basics of News Production for Non-Majors (2 units; max 6 units)
JOUR 373 – Journalism Ethics Goes to the Movies (4 units, Sp)
JOUR 375 – The Image of the Journalist in Popular Culture (4 units)
JOUR 381 – Entertainment, Business and Media in Today’s Society (4 units, FaSp)
JOUR 401L – Online Site Management and Production for Journalists (4 units, FaSp)
JOUR 411 – Broadcast Reporting and Newswriting for Non-Majors (2 units)
JOUR 420 – Advanced Photojournalism (4 units, Prerequisite: JOUR 330)
JOUR 421 – Photo Editing for News Media (4 units)
JOUR 422 – Visual Journalism (4 units)
JOUR 433 – Writing about Science (4 units, Sp)
JOUR 459 – Fact and Fiction: From Journalism to the Docudrama (4 units)
JOUR 460 – Social Responsibility of the News Media (4 units, Sp)
JOUR 461 – Literature of Journalism (4 units)
JOUR 462 – Law of Mass Communication (4 units, FaSp)
JOUR 465m – Latino News Media in the United States (4 units, Fa)
JOUR 466m – People of Color and the News Media (4 units, Sp)
JOUR 467 – Gender and the News Media (4 units)
JOUR 468m – The American Press and Issues of Sexual Diversity (4 units, Fa)
JOUR 469 – Money, Markets and Media (4 units, Sp)
JOUR 475 – Publications Design and Technology (4 units, FaSp)
JOUR 477 – Web Analytics for News and Nonprofit Organizations (2 units, FaSp)
JOUR 482 – Comparative Media in Europe (4 units, Sm)
JOUR 483 – Negotiating and Reporting Global Change (4 units, FaSp)
JOUR 484 – American Religion, Foreign Policy and the News Media (4 units, Sp)
JOUR 489 – Hands-on Disruption: Experimenting with Emerging Technology (2 units)
JOUR 493 – Comics and Graphic Storytelling (4 units)
JOUR 495 – Journalism for Mobile and Emerging Platforms (2 units)
JOUR 330 – Photojournalism (4 units, FaSp)
JOUR 420 – Advanced Photojournalism (4 units, Prerequisite: JOUR 330)
JOUR 421 – Photo Editing for News Media (4 units)
JOUR 422 – Visual Journalism (4 units)
JOUR 380 – Sports, Business and Media in Today’s Society (4 units, FaSp)
JOUR 432 – Sports Commentary (4 units, Fa)
JOUR 480 – Sports and Media Technology (4 units)
For other courses of interest, please refer to the Schedule of Classes.
Students interested in gaining experience in public relations and advertising may want to consider the following courses:
PR 340 – Introduction to Advertising (4 units, FaSp)
PR 341 – Advertising Copywriting (4 units, Fa, Prerequisite: PR 340)
PR 342 – Advertising Media and Analysis (4 units, Fa, Prerequisite: PR 340)
PR 343 – Advertising Design and Production (4 units, Sp, Prerequisite: PR 340)
Public Relations
PR 451 – Promotional Public Relations (4 units, Sp)
PR 452 – Public Relations in Entertainment (4 units, Sp, Prerequisite: PR 250)
PR 454 – Sports Public Relations (2 units, FaSp)
PR 455 – Public Relations for Non-Profit Organizations (4 units, FaSp)
PR 457 – The Role of Celebrity in Public Relations (4 units)
PR 458 – Public Relations in Politics and Political Campaigns (4 units, Fa)
PR 473 – Emerging Media Strategies for Communication and Public Relations (4 units, Sp)
PR 478 – Social Media Analytics: Big Data and Content Creation for Real-time Public Relations (4 units)
PR 485 – Multimedia PR Content: Digital/Social Media Lab (2 units, Fa)
PR 486 – Multimedia PR Content: Introduction to Digital Design Tools (2 units, Sp)
PR 487 – Multimedia PR Content: Introduction to Audio/Video Tools (2 units, Fa)
PR 488 – Multimedia PR Content: Visual Communication of Information (2 units)
PR 491 – Transmedia, New Media and Strategic PR/Communication (4 units, Sp)
PR 492 – Personal Branding (4 units, Fa)
PR 494 – Transmedia, New Media and Strategic Communication (4 units)
For other courses of interest, please refer to the Schedule of Classes.