
Andrea B. Hollingshead is a professor of communication and an expert on group communication. Much of her research examines how people communicate their expertise and share knowledge in groups. She studies a wide array of groups — from very small to very large, from offline to online to hybrid — across a wide range of work, social, and educational settings. Her current research projects investigate team wellbeing, online incivility, and human-machine teaming.
She has published three books and her research appears in top-tier journals such as Communication Research, Communication Monographs, Human Communication Research, Communication Yearbook, Organization Science, Academy of Management Proceedings, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, and Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, among many others. She has received funding for her research from the National Science Foundation and U.S. Army Research Office.
Hollingshead teaches courses on group communication at the undergraduate, master’s, and PhD levels. She also teaches COMM 305: Understanding Social Science Research and COMM 400: Mindful Communication.
She earned her BA in psychology from Yale University and her MA and PhD in social psychology from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. She is a fellow of the International Communication Association. She also has joint appointments at the USC Marshall School of Business and the USC Department of Psychology.
Hollingshead is an avid scuba diver. She also enjoys plants, L.A. farmers’ markets, cooking, and running.
Awards and honors
Fellow, International Communication Association (2020).
Dennis Gouran Research Award for Outstanding Article or Book Chapter, National Communication Association, Group Communication Division (2020).
USC Mentoring Award for Faculty Mentoring Graduate Students (2017).
Ernest Bormann Research Award for Best Book or Monograph, National Communication Association, Group Communication Division (2013).
Ernest Bormann Research Award for Best Book or Monograph, National Communication Association, Group Communication Division (2006).
Journal Articles
“Group communication and transactive memory systems: An empirical review,” co-author (Small Group Research, forthcoming).
“A model of social eavesdropping in communication networks,” co-author (International Journal of Communication, 2020).
“Intelligent machines and teamwork: Help or hindrance,” co-author (Academy of Management Proceedings, 2020).
“Conceptualizing groups as multidimensional networks,” co-author (Oxford Handbook of Cyberpsychology, Oxford University Press, 2019).
“Why are you watching? Video surveillance in organizations,” co-author (Corporate Communications, 2018).
“Second-Guessing in Group Decision Making,” co-author (Communication Research, 2018).
“Judging the (in)competence of coworkers: Impression formation and early work experiences, In Expertise in Organizations,” co-author (Oxford University Press, 2016).
“Online social influence: Past, present, and future,” co-author (Communication Yearbook, 2015).
COMM 305: Understanding Social Science Research
CMGT 536: Team Communication and Leadership