Marketing CEO Kevin Ryan shares job advice with students

Motivity Marketing CEO Kevin Ryan gave a group of students pointers on how to get a job in digital marketing. Here are Ryan's top 10 pieces of advice:

1. Always remember your ethics classes. You will be happier because you will be a better person.

2. Always hit your deadline and stay dedicated to writing, even if it means missing nights out and fun times with friends. Also, educate yourself with free tools, so you can say you have experience with them.

3. Practical experience outweighs education. Reach out to companies because most do not have the budget for social media and would love an intern to do it.

4. Do not come into a work situation feeling entitled because you have a degree. Your competition also has a degree.

5. Show employers that you can do the mundane tasks really well and that you are willing to do anything, and you will move up.

6. Pay a professional to write your resume. Your skills, experience and passions should be highlighted first, not your GPA.

7. Recent graduates should not think they have to work for a big company right away. If you work at a smaller place, you will often get experience doing more than one thing.

8. Be loyal to the people around you, not the company.

9. Forget stable employment. If you want stable employment work for the government. If you want more money and more freedom, work in digital marketing.

10. Create a digital portfolio in addition to your paper resume to showcase the digital work you have done, but don't go overboard with effects.

Ryan also spoke to Kathi Inman Berens' Communication 499 class that covers advanced social media.

Search #comm499 on Twitter to get a play-by-play of Ryan's chat.