Overholser to join ASNE live chat about role of newspaper ombudsmen

School of Journalism professor and director Geneva Overholser will participate in an American Society of News Editors live chat Jan. 24 at 11 a.m. PT about the role of  newspaper ombudsmen. Joining Overholser in the live chat will be Washington Post ombudsman Patrick Pexton, RegretTheError.com editor Craig Silverman and New York Times public editor Art Brisbane. Steve Buttry, director of community engagement and social media for the Journal Register Co., will host the discussion. ASNE has conducted Twitter chats every Tuesday since August. Tomorrow's chat will be held for the first time via CoverItLive. Overholser, who served as editor of The Des Moines Register from 1988 to 1995, later was  ombudsman of The Washington Post. Live chat Overholser's bio page